
Avg weather in December
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    13 Hrsper day
    117 mmper month
    75 %avg
    15 Mphavg

    Antigua weather December


    What’s the weather like in Antigua in December?

    Antigua is located 17° north of the equator in the West Indies. With tropical weather all year round, temperatures remain quite high in December. Local trade winds, combined with relatively low humidity, helps control hot temperatures and makes the tropical climate more bearable. If you’re planning a holiday to Antigua in December, it’s best to leave the hat and scarf at home and opt for lightweight clothes instead.

    Geographical influences

    Antigua is so close to the equator that it’s like summer every day of the year. This would be uncomfortable if it wasn’t for local trade winds from the Atlantic Ocean that bring cool breezes when they're needed most.


    Antigua weather in December is pleasant and enjoyable. With 11 hours of daylight each day and an average high of 30°C, you’ll enjoy relaxing on its sandy bays until the sun goes down. The island averages 141mm of rainfall each month, so you can leave your umbrella behind and bask in the warmth of the Caribbean sun. Humidity usually falls within the 75% range in December and rarely drops below 54%. You’ll get regular breaks from the heat with refreshing 18 mph trade winds.


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